M-ALL Families and Faithful,

In the wake of the passing of our local and global hero, Willie Mays, the M-ALL Board and I wanted to just send a quick word out to our M-ALL universe to celebrate the life of the Say Hey Kid and his impact on our community. Willie was a resident of Atherton the past 40+ years and his love of the game and legacy of greatness have permeated M-ALL throughout that entire time, including the honor of having our field at Holbrook Palmer Park adorn Willie’s name. Willie was not only arguably the greatest baseball player to ever put on a uniform, but he was also the game’s greatest ambassador and example of a baseball life lived to its fullest. He openly and passionately shared his love of the game with kids the world over, but especially here in the M-ALL community. HIs transcendent spirit, inspiring life and baseball legend will live on forever with us here in the M-ALL community and league. Our world was a better place for having Willie in it and we are deeply affected by his passing, but will cherish all the incredible memories (baseball and not) he gave us along the way. M-ALL will forever be grateful and thrive for having even a sprinkle of Willie Mays as part of our league’s DNA and we will remain committed to his passion of bringing baseball to the lives of our kids in this incredible community. The Field of Dreams now just got one heck of a lead off hitter and centerfielder! We love you Willie and thank you for all you have meant and will mean to our league, our families, our kids and this world! Attached is a poignant picture taken earlier today from Willie Mays Park at Holbrook Palmer, I think it captures well how we all feel.